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Do people still blog?

Do people still blog?

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Do people still blog? Is blogging dead? And is there a market for new bloggers?

Are you ready to start your first blog but fear it’s already dead? Don’t worry, blogging isn’t the new MySpace- it’s alive and kicking! In fact, it’s more relevant than ever. In this article, we’ll explore the current state of blogging, why people still read blogs, and how to turn your hobby into a side hustle. 

     So, put down the pen and paper (or keyboard and mouse) and get ready to learn how to become the next blogging sensation. Oh, and we promise not to bore you with a long and dry article – it’s not like watching paint dry, we swear!

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     Blogging is currently in a state of growth and innovation. Despite expectations that blogging was in decline, it has actually seen a resurgence in recent years. Many people believed that blogging would become obsolete as social media grew; however, it has evolved and found its place in the digital world. 

     For online businesses, influencers, and people looking to connect with their audience and gain a following, blogging has emerged as a critical tool. A wide range of uses for blogging exists, from personal diaries to authoritative news and information sources. 

     Long-form blogging is still a significant component of the internet. However, lately there has been a rise in the popularity of shorter, more visual content – or micro-blogging – with the emergence of TikTok and Instagram Reels. 

     Blogging is still a creative and effective way for individuals to share their thoughts and ideas with the world, and it is not going away any time soon.

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Do People Still actually READ Blogs?

Well you’re here, aren’t you?! 

Nerd Staring At The Screen

     The short answer is yes, and the numbers prove it. Blog readership has remained steady and even grown in recent years, with many readers finding blogs to be a reliable and trustworthy source of information and inspiration.

     But how has blogging been impacted by the growth of social media? In fact, it has contributed to expanding its accessibility and reach. With how easy material can now be shared on social media, bloggers now reach a larger audience than ever before. On top of that, bloggers can now interact more personally with their readers thanks to social media.

     Blogging has come a long way, baby! We’ve gone from clunky old blog platforms to sleek new tools that make creating and sharing content a total breeze. And let’s not forget the diversity factor – with all the new technology out there, it’s impossible not to have a wide range of voices and perspectives represented in the “blogosphere”. Whether you’re into personal blogs, news and reviews or anything in between, blogs still have something for everyone.

So WHY Do People Still Blog?

There’s a lot of quality content out there!

     The importance of high-quality content: You’re not going to keep readers around with mediocre content, that’s for sure! Blogs that provide an in-depth look at a topic, offer a unique perspective you are less likely to find in the mainstream media and are well-written. Informative and engaging blogs are the ones that readers come back to again and again. So, bring your A-game, folks!

Want to turn your hobby into a side hustle?

     Another reason why people still read (and write) blogs today is the potential to turn your thoughts into cash. Blogging can be monetized in a number of ways, such as through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and advertising.

     These methods allow bloggers to make money from their content, and can even throw out their full-time job in favor of their blog. But don’t expect it to be easy, it takes time and effort but it’s worth it!

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Good bloggers know how to stand out and how to make their blog less of an eyesore

     A blog that looks like a hot mess is not going to attract readers. Make sure your blog is easy to navigate, has a clean and consistent design, and uses high-quality images and videos to enhance the user experience. Use headings and subheadings to make the content readable and scannable. And don’t forget that mobile-friendly design is an absolute must in today’s world!

Blogging Tactics That Don’t Work Anymore

What worked yesterday won’t work today. Here, you’ll see what I mean.

1) Clickbait headlines: “tricking your readers into clicking and then feeling disappointed”

     We’ve all seen them, those headlines that promise the world and deliver nothing. Clickbait headlines may get you clicks, but they’ll also earn you a reputation for tricking your readers into clicking and then feeling disappointed. Don’t do it.

2) Blogs about everything: 

     The more you blog about, the less likely you are to establish yourself as an authority on any one topic. And let’s be real, no one can be an expert in everything. Instead, find your niche and focus on it. Your readers will appreciate the depth of your knowledge and the relevance of your content.

3) Blogs about personal life – Or as I like to put it: How to make your family and friends never speak to you again

     Sure, sharing personal stories can be a great way to connect with your readers. But if you’re not careful, you might end up alienating your family and friends. But who needs them?! I guess this one is more up to personal preference. I’d still encourage you to be strategic with what you share and how you share it. I’m not a fan of drama.

4) Posting all the time to get traffic: “How to drive away your readers with constant spam”

     Constant spamming is a surefire way to drive away your readers. Instead of posting all the time, focus on creating wicked content that people will want to read. Quality over quantity, always. Even if you are some kind of mad super-genius too much content too fast is overstimulating and will exhaust your readers.

5) Blogs without supplemental video or audio content: 

     “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Unpopular opinion time: It’s not. Not anymore. Sorry, not sorry.

     No one these days would rather read about how a sword lops a watermelon in half opposed to watching it happen in a video! You have to engage people! Videos, vlogs, and even podcasts and webinars are better ways to supplement your written content and keep your readers engaged.

8 Blogging Hacks for Exponential Growth

1) Create high-quality, relevant content- even better if the content will remain relevant. As we said earlier, if you’re not giving your readers something worth reading, why would they keep coming back?

2) Promote your blogs: Creating great content is only half the battle, you gotta let people know it’s there! Share your posts on your YouTube channel (or whatever) and get involved in online communities related to your niche. If you have the money then don’t be afraid to pay for some promotion too, it can go a long way!


3) Build relationships with other bloggers: Networking is key! Guest post on other blogs, participate in blog carnivals and link to other blogs in your posts (it goes both ways). Building relationships with other bloggers in your niche can help you grow your blogs by expanding your reach and exposing your blogs to new audiences.

4) Use SEO: SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is like the secret sauce to successful blogs. Optimize your blogs for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta tags and alt tags. Also, use internal and external links, and consider using an SEO plugin. More on this in a minute.

5) Engage with your audience: Your readers are your lifeline, so make sure you’re talking to them! Respond to comments, answer questions and get involved in online conversations related to your niche.

6) Use Social media: it’s a goldmine for bloggers! You can’t fear it. What some people swore would end blogs is one of it’s best resources for growth. Utilize platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and LinkedIn to promote your blogs. We’ll discuss this more in a minute too.

7) We touched on this already but create visually appealing content: People are visual creatures, so give them something to look at! Use images, videos and infographics to make your blogs more visually appealing. Staring at huge blurbs of text will exhaust the eyes. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words!

8) We touched on this as well, and we will talk about it more ahead too. Monetize your blog: Blogging can be more than just a hobby, it can be a business too! Monetize your blog through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing or advertising. This can help turn your blogs into a source of income and take it to the next level. Just be careful not to go overboard. Readers shy away from painfully obvious money blogging.

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SEO: The Key to Blogging Success

     If you want people to find your blog, you need to make sure it’s easy to find. That’s where SEO comes in. SEO is the process of making your website more visible to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Or at least it would be if anyone used Yahoo anymore. Sorry, Grandma. Anyway, when it comes to blogging, SEO is crucial.

Optimizing for Search Engines

     First things first: keyword research. Before you start typing away on your blogs, you need to learn what people are searching for. Time to test out your skills as a private investigator. Try this. Type in Google “#1 most searched–” Google wants to help you out with suggestions. Bet one of the top suggestions is “#1 most searched things on Google.” 

     This is SEO at work. Just think of keyword research as a treasure hunt for your blog post. You’re on the lookout for the perfect keywords to lead readers straight to your site.

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     You don’t have to do this manually if you don’t want to. Frankly, it’s horribly inefficient. There are a ton of free keyword research tools out there, like Google Keyword Planner or Pemavor. And if you’re feeling fancy there are even more paid tools that can help you out. There’s a lot to cover just in this one topic but that is a whole article on its own.

Blogs in the Era of Social Media

     Social media platforms are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s a great way to help people discover your blogs and drive traffic. Likewise, it helps you connect with your readers. On the other hand, it can feel overwhelming and time-consuming.

     Using social media to increase your exposure is all about being strategic and consistent, folks. Share your blog posts on all your social media channels and make sure to keep using eye-catching images and catchy headlines. And again, if you have the spare cash then don’t be afraid to invest in a little advertising, it can help you reach new readers.

     Now, let’s move on to best practices for promoting your blogs on social media. Here’s the deal, you gotta be authentic and engaging – not ONLY on the blogs but in your social media posts as well. Share behind-the-scenes content, answer questions, and start conversations with your followers. Use hashtags and tag relevant accounts to increase visibility.

     Finally, let’s talk about measuring the impact of social media on your blog’s performance. This is where analytics come in. Use tools like Google Analytics to track your blog’s traffic, and pay attention to your social media metrics such as likes, shares, and comments. This will give you a clear picture of what’s working and what’s not. This way you can adjust your strategy accordingly. 

It takes a little time to get the hang of watching the metrics.

Maximizing Blog Post Monetization

You put in a lot of hard work creating content, so it’s only natural that you want to get paid.

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     One popular method is through advertising, such as Google AdSense. Another option is affiliate marketing, where you promote other people’s products and earn a commission for each sale. Sponsored content is also a great way to monetize your blogs, as long as it aligns with your niche.

How do you effectively monetize your blogs without turning off your readers?

     The key is to be upfront about it and pick methods that align with your niche and your audience. For example, if your blogs are about finding great products and reviewing them then affiliate marketing may be a good fit. But if your blogs are focused on parenting then sponsored content from a toy company may not be as well-received. Regardless of the methods you choose – don’t go overboard.

Building an Engaged Community

     As a blogger, having a dedicated squad of loyal readers can make all the difference in the success of your blog. Not only will it increase traffic and engagement, but a kickass community also provides valuable feedback and support.

     Having a community of readers who are invested in your content leads to increased engagement, more social shares, and higher revenue. It allows you to create a sense of belonging and personal connection with your readers, which can lead to an even more loyal following.

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So, how do you build said community of epic proportions?

     Engage with your readers and encourage comments. This can be done through regular interaction like responding to comments on your blogs, and even hosting Q&A sessions or webinars. Encourage your readers to share their own thoughts and experiences and show genuine interest. Make sure to respond to their comments in a meaningful way.

     Another way to build a community around your blog is to create a sense of exclusivity by offering special content, bonuses or access to a private group for your most engaged readers. Also, creating a newsletter or email list can be a great way to keep your readers informed and engaged.

Blogging in 2023 and beyond

As the digital universe continues to evolve, so does the world of blogging. You gotta keep up with the latest trends and stay relevant. It’s crucial for any blogger who wants to be a boss in the years to come.

Video content is becoming all the rage, with many bloggers turning to platforms like YouTube and TikTok to share their content. Microblogging, or short-form blogging, is also on the rise, with Instagram reels, YouTube Shorts and Twitter becoming popular choices for bloggers. Likewise, interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and surveys are gaining popularity since they increase audience engagement.

So, how do you stay relevant and up-to-date in the ever-changing blogging landscape? You have to stay informed about the latest trends and technologies. Follow influential bloggers in your niche, and attend blogging conferences and/or virtual workshops to learn about new tools and strategies. It’s also important to experiment and try new things, as long as it lines up with your niche and audience.

Why Blogs Fail and How to Avoid Common Mistakes

     Many blogs bite the dust despite the best intentions. There are common mistakes that many bloggers make that lead to their blogs’ failure. Understanding these mistakes and how to avoid them is crucial for the long-term success of your blog.

     One of the most common reasons is a lack of consistency in posting new content. Bloggers often start strong but then lose motivation and stop posting regularly. Another common mistake is not having a clear niche or target audience. Without a specific focus, it’s hard to build a dedicated following. And lastly, not monetizing the blog can actually cause it to fail as it makes it hard to sustain the blog in the long run.

So, how do you avoid these mistakes? 

     The key is to have a clear plan and set realistic goals for your blog. Make sure to post new content consistently but don’t go crazy or you might suffer burn-out. Choose a specific niche or target audience and have a monetization plan in place. Additionally, it’s important to stay informed and educated about the latest trends and technologies in the blogging world so you stay relevant.

     Finally, let’s talk about ensuring your blog’s long-term success. This includes periodically evaluating and adjusting your strategy, staying engaged with your audience, and always looking for ways to improve and grow. You will make mistakes, but keep going and learn from them. It’s also important to diversify your income streams- and to be open to experimenting and trying new things- giggity.

Blogger on a Budget? How to start a blog with no money:

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     Wanna start a blog but don’t wanna break the bank? No problemo… With a little bit of sass and a whole lotta smarts, you can start your own blog without spending a dime. Here’s the lowdown:

Cheap-o ways to start your blog:

     Use free platforms like, Blogger, or Tumblr. These bad boys have basic templates and features you can use to create your blogs, and they don’t cost a penny!

     Get a free or low-cost hosting plan. Some platforms offer free hosting (anyone else out there old enough to remember angelfire? No? Oh, okay…), but if you wanna use your own domain name, you may need to purchase a hosting plan. Look for a hosting plan that offers a free trial or a low-cost option. There are a lot of options here like NameHero, HostGator, and Hostinger. Explore which option would be best for you.

     Get creative with your content. You don’t need fancy equipment or software to create great content for your blogs. Use your smartphone or a basic camera to take photos, and use free editing software to enhance them. Write your own articles, record your own videos, and create your own graphics.

Make the most of free resources:

     Use free stock images and graphics. There are many websites that offer a wide variety of free stock images and graphics like,, and

     Utilize free tools for editing and enhancing your content. Many free tools are available online for editing photos, videos, and audio, such as GIMP, DaVinci, and Audacity.

     Take advantage of free online marketing tools. There are a bunch of free online marketing tools that you can use to promote your blog, such as social media like we discussed prior, email, and analytics tools.

#1 Thing You Can Do For The Success Of Your Blog

Listen up, because I’m about to spill the beans on the #1 thing you can do to make it happen!

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     You want to be known as the go-to authority on your topic. You want folks to know you’re the real deal and that when they come to your site, they’re getting the best of the best. So step one, “KNOW what you’re talking about.” Do your research, stay up-to-date, and don’t be afraid to share your own experiences and opinions.

     Now that you’re an expert, it’s time to share that knowledge with the world. One way to do that is by interviewing other experts in your field and sharing their insights with your readers as well. It is good to provide examples that are out of your purview that line up with your thoughts. Even if they don’t exactly line up, it is good to share the knowledge of other experts in your niche.

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     Be the “Robin Hood of the internet.” You want to be the one who helps people solve their biggest problems. For example, if your blog is about personal finance, give your readers practical tips and advice on how to save money, invest, and budget. By providing real-world solutions, you’ll build a loyal following of people who can’t get enough of your content

The Importance of Finding Your Niche

Niche Down, Stand Out, and Slay the Blogging Game

   Let’s face it, blogging is no longer just a hobby, it’s a full-blown industry. But with so many blogs out there, how do you make yours stand out? The secret to blogging success is simple: niche down and focus on a particular topic or area of interest.

Why is it important to have a specific focus for your blog?

     When you’re a generalist, you’re just another face in the crowd. But when you niche down, you become the go-to expert in your field. You’ll attract a dedicated audience who are looking for exactly what you have to offer. Plus, you’ll be able to build a consistent brand and establish yourself as a thought leader.

Here are some examples of a Blog that has found its Niche:

A travel blog that focuses on solo female travel
A fashion blog that focuses on sustainable, eco-friendly fashion
A parenting blog that focuses on “Blended Households” with a Step-Mom, or Step-Dad.

How to identify your niche and target audience:

     Think about your interests, passions, and expertise. What are you a badass at? Once you have a general idea, do some research to see if there’s a demand for your niche. Take a look at popular blogs and social media accounts in your niche, and see what kind of content is getting the most engagement. 

   You can also use tools like the keyword planners we mentioned above to see what people are searching for online. Once you know your niche and target audience, you can create content that speaks directly to them and meets their needs. EZ-clap.


Conclusion - Wrapping it up

Does anyone actually read conclusions anymore? Well, I guess if you are still here…

     Blogging has come a long way. I don’t think anyone knew the potential of blogging back in its inception in the late 1990s. Back then blogging was almost entirely text-based and was mostly used for personal journals and the like. I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future of blogging.

     Will we be blogging our literal thoughts with that neuro-link software? That’s a terrifying thought, actually. LOL. They do have AI that can literally write a blog for you now – not as good as this one, mind you. But in the future? Who knows?

     If anyone wants more detail or more input on anything you read in here let me know! If the request is popular, I’ll add my two-cents. Either way, always feel free to reach out!

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Because I like you guys so much!

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Bonus Tips and Tricks: Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Personal Blog

Additional resources and tools for bloggers - this is by no means a comprehensive list. An entire blog could be made on just this one topic alone. Who knows? I just might.

*Canva and Adobe Spark for creating visually appealing graphics and images

*Grammarly and Hemingway for editing and proofreading your content

*Google Analytics and social media analytics tools for tracking your blog’s performance and audience engagement

*Yoast SEO and SEMrush for optimizing your blog for search engines
secrets and hacks

Insider secrets and hacks for maximizing your blog's potential:

Dirty little secrets that seem obvious, that many other bloggers won't share: This is also not a comprehensive list by any means - and could be it's own topic... ya dig?

*Use internal linking to keep readers on your site longer and boost your search engine ranking

*Optimize your blog’s loading speed to improve user experience and reduce bounce rate

*Use storytelling techniques to make your content more engaging and relatable

*Experiment with different types of content, such as videos, podcasts, and infographics, to see what resonates with your audience

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